THESE REBEL WAVES, the pirates story I didn't find anywhere else

AUTHOR  Sara Raasch


SAGA These Rebel Waves  #1 

Book #2 (These Divided Shores) 

Ok, let me go back a little in time since this blog is very new but I wanted to include some amazing books I came to love before this whole thing existed. I read These Rebel Waves back in 2019. I came to it thanks to Bookstagram since this was a very hyped new release at the moment and everyone was reading it. So I did too.

ABOUT  A story full of politics and pirates and magical plants. Grace Loray, a land full of pirates and magic that can be found in the plants of the island, was a former Argrid colony, a very traditional and religious country who thinks the magic that lives in Grace Loray is heresy. After The Rebelion, it was free and now it's ruled by its own council. But the peace between both countries is not as strong as it seems.

The story is told from 3 different points of view; Adeluna, a soldier from Grace Loray who fought for The Rebelion since she was only a child, Vex, a famous pirate and Benat, the heir to the throne of Argrid.

REVIEW  I really enjoyed this book. It was a little slow reading the first half of the book because this one really takes the time to introduce all the world, and the political system and how the magic works. Really. You could feel the first half like an introduction to all the action that it will happen next. But then there was a point that I couldn't put it down since all the information I've been gathering exploded into a very high paced scenes and action was everywhere. 

That kind of very descriptive introduction is the only thing I can find as a negative critic but after I finished the book I realized that reading so much about the background of all things, made me enjoy and suffer with everything that happened at the end of the book. So, the thing that most people found as negative or didn't like, it kind of worked for me in the end.

Because I have to tell you, the end of the book is full of adrenaline.

My favorite part though were the characters. They were very well built and very well driven through the whole story. You could find 3 different personalities and the fact that they were part of 3 different sides of the story made everything so interesting. Like, I could understand each one of them from the role they were playing and the things that they had to go through. 

The magic system here is based in plants, like each type of plant has a different magical power and you use the plants in order to use that power. Even though is very original and interesting, it's most of the time in second place to all the political plot. Like magic is somehow the excuse to develop the whole story.

It touches very delicate themes like duty versus beliefs, family and loyalty as well as political ideals. Some of them were very interesting to read about. And I really enjoyed the complexity of the political system. 

Overall, this is a very entertaining book and I enjoyed it very much.



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